Cancer Biochemistry and Immune Metabolism Laboratory at the University of Michigan Medical School and Rogel Cancer Center

What We Do

The Lyssiotis lab uses a multi-disciplinary approach encompassing methods in chemistry and biology to define how metabolism is rewired in cancer. This work spans the areas of cancer metabolism, the tumor microenvironment and immunometabolism using and developing protocols in mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. Ultimately, we aim to transition new information about these processes into targeted therapies for cancer and other diseases. Please explore our website for more information and follow updates and lab happenings on Twitter (@LyssiotisLab).

Featured Publications

Metabolic Interactions in the Tumor Microenvironment
Lyssiotis CA, Kimmelman AC. Trends in Cell Biology (2017) 27:863-875.
Abstract | PDF

Employing Metabolism to Improve the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
Halbrook CJ, Lyssiotis CA. Cancer Cell (2017) 31:5-19.
Abstract | PDF

News & Announcements

A new paper published in Cell Metabolism

When Cancer Cells Are Given Lemo[NH3]s, They Make Lemo[NH3]ade, by Mengrou Shan and Costas A. Lyssiotis published in Cell Metabolism on 5 December 2017. Link

New paper published in PNAS

A vimentin binding small molecule leads to mitotic disruption in mesenchymal cancers, by Bollong MJ et al. published in Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A on Oct 30, 2017. Link